Syrah by the Sea (2017)

$65.00 Double Fan


Syrah by the Sea (2017)

A dark red with a blue black sheen, an extended yellow green throat, and a dark band. The scapes have well spaced branches.

Height 43 inches, bloom 6.5 inches, season EM, Rebloom, Dormant, Diploid, 21 buds, 3 branches.
(Red Sea Wizard × Holly Dancer)

Syrah by the Sea glows like a very dark red wine.
Other photos of Syrah by the Sea:

Syrah by the Sea 17-27 4926

Scape of Syrah by the Sea

Contact Info

Seajay's Daylilies
Carol Mock
232 Eugenia Street
Creve Coeur, MO 63141-8311
Lily Auction Username:Seajay

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